Saturday, March 29, 2008

Gracie Loves Books

Gracie loves to read books. Each night before bed she runs into her room and grabs arm fulls of books for Nate or I to read to her. I try to keep all the books at her level so she can easily access them. Which she does quite often. Today while I was cleaning the kitchen I heard a loud crash in the other room. I ran in to see Gracie quickly chucking every book off the shelf (kind of the she did to Grandpa Ron's puzzle). So I tried to stop her and have her help me clean it up and she refused, so I left the room to finish cleaning up the kitchen and to giver her a little bit of time to finish making the mess because obviously she was not done. After about ten minutes I went back in to check her and found her happily reading her books. She was so content- for some reason books are much more fun to read when you are sitting in piles of them.


  1. Oh that is awesome! I died laughing when I scrolled down to see the pic. Hey at least she has a good selection!

  2. Did you make Nate clean that up? Because I would have!! LOL!! I love reading so I am glad she is getting a good start!
