Friday, June 20, 2008

Our New Neighbor

This morning when Nate was getting ready for work (at 5:30 in the morning). I looked out the window in our bedroom and notice a large black thing leaning on one of the trees, and then it started to move. I quickly called Nate over to look and he said look at the tree, its eating it...

Any ideas what it might have been? Well we watched it a little more and Nate said I think its a huge beaver. So we went outside to see if we could get any closer. We got close enough it determine YES it was a beaver. Unfortunately Nate was so worried about it knocking down the tree that he scared it off before I could get my camera to prove it. But later this morning when it was day light I went out to take some picture and I am pretty sure I found his home.

So now I am on a mission to photography my new neighbor...Trust me I will post pictures as soon as I catch him again. Does anybody know, are beavers nocturnal?


  1. That's awesome! I got pretty excited the other day when a family of four armadillos was hanging out just outside our apartment. I didn't even know we had those around here.

    Thanks for the comments, by the way. It's fun to know someone's looking at the stuff I'm posting. We miss you guys!

  2. I hope you will be able to get a picture...I want to see him! I can't believe your tree. One morning you will come out and discover the whole tree eaten down...

  3. I hear it is Nate vs. the Beaver as he put chicken wire all around the tree. That is too funny that you have a beaver to begin with. I told Nate that what he gets for living out in "Magna!"
