Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Dumpster Books

Rori and Gracie have dumpster books. Yup – snatched right out of the hands of the local sanitation engineers and thrust into the sweet hands of my daughters. Grandpa Barry brought them out. Told the girls “look what I pulled out of the dumpster for you.” – and handed over some kids books. And they read them. They know and remember that they came from the dumpster. In fact they call them “The books that grandpa gave us from the dumpster”.

Nate says he remembers his grandpa doing the same thing. Bringing home stuff and giving it out that was thrown in the dumpster, and he just happened to find. Like boxes of candy bars. These Pilcher boys are pretty scrappy. I guess when I find Nate with his posterior hanging out of a dumpster I won’t be surprised. Sounds like it runs in the family.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, in my defence, you know what they say, a free book is a good book. Grandpa Barry
