Thursday, June 26, 2008

No Instruction Manual

Over the last week Gracie (and I) had some real challenges placed in her way. I began working at Dancing Moose Montessori a few weeks ago. When I started working there Gracie also began to attend the 18 month old class for 2 hours a day.

Starting in May I began to introduce Gracie to her teacher Miss Sam and the environment. From day one Gracie has refused to make eye contact with Sam. The first week of school Gracie cried everyday. I considered this to be normal, she has only been left with family since the day she was born.

Week two I thought I would see a little bit happier behavior. Instead Gracie began to really protest any contact Sam would make with her. As the week went on Gracie decide that school was okay as long as Sam was not in the room.

In desperation Sam began to let Gracie attend the 2 yr old class. Which was great in Gracie's mind (and mine). She had adapted to school.

Week three, a behaviorist is now at the school. To Gracie's dismay Miss Sam asked Cheryl (the behaviorist) why Gracie hated her and what she could do to help the situation. The behaviorist decide it was worth it to see if they could find the "antecedent".

Sam went to get Gracie from the other class. When Gracie saw Sam she clung to the new teacher. Poor Sam had to pry Gracie way from the teacher and take her screaming to her room. For the next hour Gracie cried for me. (Which, by the way, I could hear from three rooms away.)
My motherly instinct kicked in and I went to find out what was going on. I was reassured that this was best for Gracie and it would help her adapt to the environment. Which in my mind she did fine in the environment. The behaviorist and the school director all asked me to give it a few days and to see if she could adapt.

I agreed thinking that it would be okay for Gracie to figure some things out without me to protect her and I could watch everything that happened on the monitor outside her room. The next day we went to school and my baby lost it. Which in turn caused me to lose it. The entire two hours Gracie cried, and screamed and sobbed. She would sit in a corner with her hands in her mouth just sobbing. When they went outside she would lay in the grass and just cry mommy between her whimpers. The entire time this the happened the only comfort she recieved was from the behaviorist. Who would walk over tell her "stop"...."No crying" and walk away making sure her back was to Gracie.

Now keep in mind my parenting style is very motivated by my child's emotions and the connection they have with me. Which from my prospective was being destroyed. Well the two hours ended, I got Gracie, and again was assured that this was the best thing for her and not to give up.

When I got home that night all I could think about the was trauma Gracie experience and how I did not protect her. After many discussions with Nate, and many hours of tears (on my behalf) I logged onto my favorite parenting sites and decided that if there was no change by day three, I was done. I would ask that they put Gracie back where she was comfortable.

So day three came and the same thing happened... but it ended after about 5 minutes. She stopped crying, she left the corner, and she began playing with Miss Sam. I was amazed. I had just learned something about myself, my Gracie and my parenting style.

I have spent a lot of time the last few days evaluating my parenting style and have talked a great deal with behaviorist and have decided that I definitely have some weak points in my parenting style that I need to fix in order for Gracie to reach her full potential.

She is very strong willed, and I am not constant with her because of that. I have also learned some really great strategy's to help me. I have learned how wonderful and bright Gracie is. She is such a joy to me. I love her clever personality, her love for learning and even her stubbornness. (Which I am sure did not come from me.)

Being a parent is such a wonderful opportunity to grow and change as we adapt to fit our children's needs. Now Gracie is still adjusting to Miss Sam and is still having a hard time telling me good bye, but is growing leaps and bound in her ability to problem solve and figure out the world without me by her side. I think Gracie is officially a toddler and no longer my baby.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Our New Neighbor

This morning when Nate was getting ready for work (at 5:30 in the morning). I looked out the window in our bedroom and notice a large black thing leaning on one of the trees, and then it started to move. I quickly called Nate over to look and he said look at the tree, its eating it...

Any ideas what it might have been? Well we watched it a little more and Nate said I think its a huge beaver. So we went outside to see if we could get any closer. We got close enough it determine YES it was a beaver. Unfortunately Nate was so worried about it knocking down the tree that he scared it off before I could get my camera to prove it. But later this morning when it was day light I went out to take some picture and I am pretty sure I found his home.

So now I am on a mission to photography my new neighbor...Trust me I will post pictures as soon as I catch him again. Does anybody know, are beavers nocturnal?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Fun in the Sun

After weeks of begging to get the swimming pool out it was finally warm enough to go swimming.

I never really understood why my parents did not let us get the blow up raft we used as a swimming pool out very often in the summer. But now I understand. The amount of time that is put into the preparation and clean-up of water activities is about double the time it takes for a child to become bored with the activity.

I really love watching Rori go down the side. Gracie was not as excited about the side she preferred to just watch.

And just so you know Jessica, Gracie would not let me take off her swimsuit! She had to take her nap in it. Then when we finally got it off she was so upset that she would not put on a shirt. Everytime we got the shirt on she would take it off and just cry for her swimsuit. So she was topless for most of Saturday night.

Grandpa and the Bobcat

Over the weekend Barry was out doing some Bobcat work with Cali and Chris, and my kids were lucky enough to be passengers with Grandpa.

We would always joke that the Bobcat was Grandpa's favorite form of work. I think if you ask Gracie she would tell you that it is not work at all.

Thanks Grandpa for letting Gracie have a ride

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Smashing Pennies

On Friday night my neighbor and I, along with our kids, went up to the train tracks to smash some pennies. (Great activity for young kids...right?)

After super gluing 9 pennies to the railroad tracks and watching for the train the kids got tired of waiting. So they decide to walk up the dirt side of Cemetery Hill. It is a steep but short climb.

As you can see Rori did great. She basically ran up the hill. (I kept yelling for her to wait.) As for Gracie, it was a bit too steep, and she preferred to crawl. Actually she preferred to be carried but was at least willing to try.

After and hour of climbing around on top we headed down to see if the train came. Still no train. On Saturday night we headed back to the track so we could show the kids what happened to the pennies and much to our surprise the train still had not come.

Moral...Enjoy the things around you instead of waiting for life to come!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

This year for Memorial Day we spent the week-end down at Nate's Grandparents house. Grandpa Ron made a rope swing and we had dutch oven pizza, and cobblers, and made the flowers to take to the graves on Sunday night. Then we all slept in Ron and Arlene's backyard. Well some of us slept outside but some chickens slept in the trailer. (Sorry!)

As we were making the flowers one of Abby's friends called her and asked her what she was doing. As she told him about making the flowers he responded, "people really go to the graves on memorial day?" I was sad, Memorial Day is one of my favorite days. I love remembering the people that have passed away and the fun happy times that we were able to share.

I am so glad that I am able to teach my children the importance of family and of the gospel and the wonderful opportunities we have to be around so many of the people we love. Thanks for the great week end, and all the memories that we are able to share.

See ...I Do Gracie's Hair

Just posting this picture to let you all know I do give Gracie baths and believe it or not I even do her hair...

Amazingly enough she does clean up really cute. It's just a matter of making sure you catch her with in the first hour of her bath.

Happy Birthday Nate

Well Nate turned 30, and for his birthday this year he wanted a splitting maul. (How exciting right.) But it turned out to be pretty fun playing with it. The girls had a great time watching and he had a great time hitting the wood.

Way to go Nate. Even if I do make fun of him for being so into the END OF THE WORLD. I love him and all the efforts he takes to make sure his family will be well take care of not matter how or when the end of the world comes. love you Nate!