Monday, June 16, 2008

Fun in the Sun

After weeks of begging to get the swimming pool out it was finally warm enough to go swimming.

I never really understood why my parents did not let us get the blow up raft we used as a swimming pool out very often in the summer. But now I understand. The amount of time that is put into the preparation and clean-up of water activities is about double the time it takes for a child to become bored with the activity.

I really love watching Rori go down the side. Gracie was not as excited about the side she preferred to just watch.

And just so you know Jessica, Gracie would not let me take off her swimsuit! She had to take her nap in it. Then when we finally got it off she was so upset that she would not put on a shirt. Everytime we got the shirt on she would take it off and just cry for her swimsuit. So she was topless for most of Saturday night.


  1. Guess some things really are 'genetic'!! Once again, I am LOVING your pictures!

  2. We sure wish we were having summer fun with you guys, though it sounds like our weather is better for it here. We're having fun but can't wait to be home!!

  3. Cute pictures! I think the ones of Rori coming down the slide are so funny! I am glad you girls are having a fun summer!
