Sunday, June 1, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

This year for Memorial Day we spent the week-end down at Nate's Grandparents house. Grandpa Ron made a rope swing and we had dutch oven pizza, and cobblers, and made the flowers to take to the graves on Sunday night. Then we all slept in Ron and Arlene's backyard. Well some of us slept outside but some chickens slept in the trailer. (Sorry!)

As we were making the flowers one of Abby's friends called her and asked her what she was doing. As she told him about making the flowers he responded, "people really go to the graves on memorial day?" I was sad, Memorial Day is one of my favorite days. I love remembering the people that have passed away and the fun happy times that we were able to share.

I am so glad that I am able to teach my children the importance of family and of the gospel and the wonderful opportunities we have to be around so many of the people we love. Thanks for the great week end, and all the memories that we are able to share.


  1. shanny,
    I am so glad you found me and left a comment. We never see each other anymore..and we live just down the road from eachother.
    I love's so fun to catch up with everyone!

  2. Love all the photos!! I am a big fan of Memorial Day as well. It is an important day.

  3. YAY!!! I am so excited to see your blog Shanny!! Thanks so much for leaving a comment. Your family is so beautiful. Joe and I are moving back to Utah in August. Are you in Utah? Let's let our little kiddos play and hangout!! It has been WAY too long. Love ya,

  4. It looks like you guys had so much fun!
