Friday, September 12, 2008

Hardwood Floor

For years I have hated the light color of carpet we put in our house. It showed stains and daily wear horribly. So Nate let me get hard wood floor and installed for me too. At first Rori was very upset that we took her carpet out, but yesterday she found the benenfits of hardwood. You can lick up your spilled fun dip packet.

As for Gracie she does not care where she sits or even if she has clothes, life is good as long as she has George the Monkey.


  1. Nate told me all about your floors so I am glad that you posted pictures of them. They are a beautiful color! I love the variation in them as well. That is so funny that Rori licked the sugar off the floor! She is quite the character... and Naked Gracie... where do I even start?? hee hee hee!

  2. The floors look awesome! I will have to come see them in person some time.

    I love the cheeser Gracie is pulling!

  3. Those girls are so silly. I really like the color of your wood floor. I bet it's so nice. I love the look of it.
