Tuesday, April 14, 2009

april fools

Dinner anyone?

What about a drink?

Rori helped me cook this Dinner for Nate on April fools day. It was a lot of fun to see her giggle as Nate tried to drink his jello and eat his spaghetti which was cake. Nate really played it up as he ate. For dessert we had cupcakes with pink frosting (meatloaf with pink mashed potatoes).

All in all the day was a lot of fun. Hope your day was filled with trick also.


  1. Those spaghetti cupcakes are adorable!

  2. That is fun!
    For April Fools we put our house up for sale. WE got people going too!

  3. That is awesome you did that! I love the cupcakes. And the dessert ones sound delicious too! I just love that Rori got such a kick out of that!
