Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Beautiful Dandelions

Yesterday while we were outside Rori and Gracie collected me a bunch of "beautiful flowers" they were so proud of themselves. They came in a got a cup and arranged the flowers just perfectly. Then Rori cleared the entire kitchen table and washed it so that it could be as beautiful as the flowers. Then she placed the cup in the center of the table and came over to get me so that I could see how beautiful the flowers made our house.

As I looked at these flowers I realized how as adults we hate dandelions, yet to a child they are just as beautiful as a rose. How different the world would be if we as adults looked at things we dislike through a child's eyes. This world is so beautiful and we are so blessed to be apart of it. Slow down and look at the "beautiful dandelions".


  1. That is so sweet. I really like the picture too. It turned out so nice. She really is getting to be such a smart and sweet little girl.

  2. Nate sent me this link while I was at work so I figured it was okay to check it and then make a comment while I am at work... Don't let Nate fire me...lol! Your blog is so cute and I love all your little posts. I love this post about the "flowers" and agree that the world would probably be a better place if we looked at everything through a child's eyes.

  3. Hi Rori and Gracie

    I love you Blog keep having fun

    Uncle Vern

  4. Your girls are so sweet and special and darling! I just hope that my little Macie turns out as great as your daughters! they have so much to offer this world, and it's shines a bit brighter just because they're in it!
    Thanks for your post, we jsut love having you guys as friends.
